Narrow Bandpass Filters

Precision Perfected: Revolutionising Industry and Space Observation

Harnessing the power of precision and functionality, our narrow bandpass filters and filter-wheels are transforming the world of analytical equipment. From monitoring industrial gas and moisture content to observing crop growth from space, they redefine accuracy and reliability in critical applications.

In an era where precision is no longer a luxury but a necessity, our narrow bandpass filters and filter-wheels are leading the charge. Operating from 400nm to 5um with tolerances on the centre wavelength and full width half height (FWHM) of +/- 0.25%, they exemplify our commitment to design and manufacture products that not only meet but exceed industry standards.

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At the heart of industrial operations, our filters and filter-wheels play a pivotal role. They are employed in the real-time monitoring of gas and moisture content on industrial lines. Here, the smallest variations can have significant implications, affecting production quality, safety, and efficiency. Our narrow bandpass filters, with their incredibly precise tolerances, allow for highly accurate monitoring, ensuring industrial operations remain within optimal parameters. The ability to assemble these filters into filter-wheels further enhances their functionality, allowing for easy inclusion on a variety of analytical equipment.

But our products are not confined to the industrial arena; they are also making a significant impact on the final frontier: space. Satellite-based earth observation is a rapidly growing field, and our filters and filter-wheels are at the heart of this evolution. They are used in applications that monitor crop growth and movement from space, a crucial part of global efforts towards sustainable agriculture and food security.

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Narrow Bandpass Filter Applications:

Observing crop growth from space requires the ability to discern subtle changes in colour and reflectance, often in specific, narrow portions of the spectrum. Our narrow bandpass filters are perfectly suited to this task, providing the precision and repeatability necessary for accurate and meaningful data collection.

Our filter-wheels, meanwhile, offer the versatility required in space-based applications. Their ability to house multiple filters allows for quick switching between different spectral bands, accommodating the broad range of wavelengths needed to monitor different aspects of crop health.

Our narrow bandpass filters and filter-wheels represent a fusion of precision, reliability, and versatility. Whether they are monitoring the subtle fluctuations of industrial lines or observing the health of crops from space, their impact extends far beyond their small size..

Illuminate your analysis, expand your capabilities, and maximise your outcomes.

Get in touch with us to see how we can help